Process Document


Identify the Ultimate Goal

            The goal of this course of instruction is to create a website containing an e-Portfolio.  The components of the e-Portfolio include: the creation of a multimedia presentation, a PowerPoint presentation, a spreadsheet, editing a photograph, a database, and a word document.  

Catalog the Resources Required

            The resources used for the creation of the website was Weebly.  I tried using Google sites and Microsoft Expression, however, a colleague suggested Weebly for its ease of use and after several frustrating attempts with the other two options, I created a website using Weebly.  I did have to purchase a membership but I found Weebly to be extremely user friendly.  It is easy to create and organize pages.  Elements can be added to each page simply by dragging the desired elements from the tool bar.  It has design options that can be applied to one or all of the pages.  It is possible to apply a picture or logo to all of the pages or create each page design separately.

            The graphics options I explored were Adobe Photoshop and iPhoto.  Since I was familiar with iPhoto it was an easier option for me to use.  I didn�t use a photo that was necessarily targeted for a unit of instruction, I simply wanted to become comfortable with the editing of graphic images.  I used Notability to create hybrid notes containing pictures, words, and drawings. 

            The database was a little more difficult to find an appropriate, easy to use, database software.  After watching several tutorials on Atomic I settled on Filemaker Pro.  I used a template provided and found it extremely useful for tracking project assignments.  This was actually one of the most useful tools I found because as a teacher at a project based school, Filemaker Pro will prove to be a valuable tracking tool.  The ability for the database to be used by multiple users and the ability for Filemaker Pro to work with the iPads makes Filemaker Pro a perfect fit for my school.

            Microsoft office has the perfect suite of tools for spreadsheets, PowerPoint, and word documents.  I used Excel, PowerPoint, and Word to create the other documents required for this course.

Logical Sequence of Events

            Creating the web template was the first step after reading through the course materials on WGU.  The next logical step was designing each page with appropriate pictures, title, and links.  After creating the links, the next step was actually creating each document, presentation, or database to attach to the link.  It was extremely labor intensive and I had to keep going through the Taskstream task descriptions to make sure I had each required task.